Monday, January 06, 2014

Resolved: To Finish What I Start

I went back and forth about posting anything regarding my resolutions, mostly because I wasn't sure I was going to make any. Why bother making resolutions when no matter what I decide upon, I don't finish it? And then it hit me...

I am an excellent starter. I can start anything. A new eating plan, workout regimen, load of laundry, household name it, I've probably started it. But man, do I suck at finishing. Some of this is from being a life-long procrastinator. I am proficient at waiting until the last minute. I work extremely well under pressure, deadlines are my friend, and quality is (probably) unlikely to suffer. But, turns out, you can't procrastinate long term goals that require daily work. Well, sh!t.

So in coming to this realization, I found my 2014 resolution. I resolve to finish what I start. New training schedule? Finish that sh!t. New eating plan? Finish that Sh!t. Lose 10% of my body weight to win $300?! Finish that SH!T!

So today, I started Jillian Michaels' "30 Day Shred" (for the fourth time in two years). And so help me, I am going to finish.

I can hear my high school coaches screaming at me as I type the words, "FINISH STRONG!" Hells to the yes.

Happy New Year, my friends.
Inspire. Motivate. Move.


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