Monday, December 09, 2013

Beat the Eats: Week Five

Welcome to Week Five!  We're more than halfway there!  Here are the deets for this week...

Inspire: The challenge this week is to snack smarter.  Snacking is important in maintaining a healthy diet, but most don't snack at all, or wait until that hunger strikes and gobble down whatever they can get their hands on.  Plan out your snacks ahead of time and look for those with high nutritional values like veggies and complete proteins.

Tip of the Week: Breathe.  Stress levels this time of year tend to be at an all-time high.  Find some time for yourself every day to just breathe and relax.  Everything will work out.  Remember, less stress means less stress eating!  

Feline Foodie FavoritesNoshOn.It is our website of the week.  The link will take you directly to their 2013 Holiday food guide, with lots of options for drinks, appetizers, desserts, and everything in between!

Feline Feedback

Andrea: I am a grazer and tend to eat little meals throughout the day. The only time I find a problem with this is at holiday parties. You chat and snack and forget how many little nibbles you have been eating, those can really add up. So this week I plan to eat only what I put on my plate and try and avoid standing by the food. 

Rebecca: My stress level is regularly off the charts and I am an admitted stress eater.  This challenge is going to be hard for me, but because of that, I am all the more determined to take it on.  "Me time" is hard to come by being a working wife and mother of two, but it's my responsibility to put myself first.  Because "if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!". :)

Good luck to you, Fitness Friends!  Let us know your progress on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram. #beattheeats #fitfelines

Inspire. Motivate. Move.

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