Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Mid-Week Mantra: Give Thanks

As Thanksgiving is tomorrow it is only fitting this week's mantra is about giving thanks. However, we shouldn't limit gratitude to only what we have or celebrate it on just one day. It goes beyond and encompasses much more. Being grateful can extend to not only what is in our life, but also what has come through (or has yet to), whether it be people, happy events, or even difficult circumstances. If we can find gratitude in all we are given, good and bad, it can broaden our appreciation spectrum, and one might be surprised by the individual fortune this uncovers.

On a personal note, we'd like to thank you for being a reader, for following us on our journeys, and being part of the supportive community our blog represents. You keep us motivated, accountable, and inspire us to continue to do what we love, which is write and share a part of ourselves. We appreciate each and every one of you. 

In Gratitude,

Inspire.Motivate. Move.

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