Thursday, March 07, 2013


It's been a few weeks since I wrote about my new fitness goals therefore it's time for an update. Yesterday we took my measurements again to check on my progress. At six in the morning the triceratops looking calipers cause more anxiety than excitement. Plus, having been off my feet for almost a week due to a bad chest cold I hardly felt ready to get pinched but I was curious to see how far I'd come. The good news is...I lost 3% body fat, which is about five pounds of fat! Insert sigh of relief. I'm getting closer to my goal but, as my trainer pointed out, this is where it gets harder. Insert groan.

I know the next few weeks are going to take a lot of dedication on my part. Not with exercising but with my diet. I take that back, my eating habits. Let's face it, eating healthy can sometimes be boring (there's only so much chicken and quinoa I can take) and time consuming. This is what I need to work on. My meal planning for the week and figuring out new dishes to try. Luckily I have some friends who are willing to share their recipes and snack ideas. Once I get my eating on track and continue to push myself during workouts, I know the results I want will follow.

Wish me luck!

Inspire. Motivate. Move


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